Thursday, December 29, 2016

December in Review

Well December was certainly a busy month!
We began the month preparing for Christmas.  The grade ones and kindergarten classes were in charge of the Advent Liturgies held at the school.  It was beautiful coming together as a school to mark each week of Advent and light the candles on our wreaths. 

We wrote a promise each week to try to do something that would help others.  We also wrote about who lets our hearts shine and has done something nice for us.

We did a lot of work around the theme of Gingerbread.  We read many different stories, comparing the different characters and endings.
We even did some gingerbread math, measuring items around the classroom as well as ourselves to see how many "gingerbread people" long things were.
After three weeks worth of Gingerbread work, the fun part came:  we decorated our own gingerbread cookie!  Some of our creations included characters like the Gingerbread Man, the Gingerbread Girl and some even decorated the cookie to be a Gingerbread Ninja!
Other activities this month included making beautiful winter tree scenes:
Making handprint angels:

It was a fun filled and busy month.  A wonderful way to end 2016!  See you in the New Year!