Monday, January 30, 2017

January, Winter and Snowmen

Happy New Year! 
We began 2017 by reading Squirrel's New Year's Resolution, the perfect book to read that first week back to school after Christmas break.  It helped us understand what a resolution is and gave us many ideas to create our own. We came up with ways that we could bring kindness to others this year, how we can be helpful and also come up with some ways that we could better ourselves at school and at home.



Our focus this month was on Winter and Snowmen.  We read many books and wrote a lot about the changes that happen in Winter.  Above are some samples of the Winter Acrostic poems we created.  
Our focus in art was to show Snowmen from different perspectives using a variety of techniques and mediums. 

Side view of a snowman


Snowmen looking up

Snowmen from a Bird's Eye View. 
This activity is a great way to introduce mapping in Social Studies. 
In math we have been working on numbers to 20 as well as developing an understanding of addition and subtraction.  We play many games and use different manipulativeto help us develop our skills, and have fun at the same time.